Strategic Planning

Aligning your team on a central mission and vision is vital to achieve community results.

Questions often arise about whether you have the right mission and vision for your organization. Perhaps you have a strategic plan that needs to be refreshed or you have never attempted to develop a comprehensive plan for your organization. Either way, TRW Consultancy is here to help. Our services are customizable to meet your needs because we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

TRW Consultancy will also help determine the most important objectives for your organization to achieve over the term of your strategic plan. We help turn your passion into clear objectives that are actionable and important to your organization.

Board Governance

A successful board is a successful nonprofit.

The nonprofit board governance structure combines the policies, guidelines, systems, and processes used to make effective and informed decisions, and holds your decision-makers accountable. It also involves aligning the operational framework with the organizational goals and mission to help the organization realize its vision.

TRW Consultancy will help your board take its performance to the next level. Whether your board is young and seeking to learn the basics or is an experienced board seeking to sustain excellence, our board development services are customizable to meet your needs.

Fundraising Solutions

Showing you how to raise money the RIGHT way. We are the missing piece!

It’s never been more important for your organization to help retain donors. We will help you cultivate and secure donations the right way.

Whether you need full-time fundraising staff, a grant writer, development experts, or a major gifts officer, we’ll seamlessly integrate into your organization and increase your fundraising bandwidth.

Personal Coaching

Individual coaching to best suit your needs.

At TRW Consultancy, we believe that nonprofits are a big deal. Why not make accountability your strong suit?

  • Increase Focus

  • Improve Productivity

  • Master Time Management

We work collaboratively with you to develop a coaching plan that includes goals, a schedule, and measurement tools.

Tiffany Watkins - TRW Consultancy
Tiffany Watkins

Strategic Consultant

Align Your Central Mission & Vision

(469) 219-9876
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